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My fascination with gemstones is undeniable, and every time I go on a shopping spree, I am drawn to the beautiful pearls and gems that cross my path.

This feeling also overcame me upon seeing this breathtaking duo of agate gemstones. The captivating form and mesmerizing play of colours immediately grabbed my attention. The graceful lines and vibrant hues reminded me of an enchanting sunrise.

These earrings undoubtedly stand out, although, in terms of design, they do not directly match my current artistic style…. But it is precisely because of their unique appearance that they stand out.

These earrings are part of the M.I.N.D collection, which merges the essences of uniqueness, inspiration, innovation and daring into a series of exceptional jewellery pieces.

This pair of earrings was created for special moments. They capture memories, celebrate life and cherish precious moments.

The jewellery in the M.I.N.D collection comes from my desire to break out occasionally and to follow my inspiration, which sometimes bubbles up at the most unexpected moments. The jewellery in the M.I.N.D collection was created from the chaos, energy and vision in my mind.